And the King banished his beloved daughter, the Princess, from the palace to become amongst the peasants so she may learn humanity and compassion.
She was devastated and trembled with much fear.
Her husband; of whose identity was only a commoner prior his union with her, and of whom she tortured with much cruelty; sat beside her to comfort her despite being previously ill-treated by his beloved wife, the Princess.
She told him, “Never had I thought this day would be bestowed me, a Princess to a peasant, amongst the villagers! How will I live without the luxury, servants and jewelries that I have grown up with? How will others look at me? I was a princess and now a peasant! What can I do? Oh dear Prince, tell me, what does a peasant do?”
He held her hand gently, “Every inhabitant in the village has each, his own responsibility. I can farm and you can sew. We can live a simple life and be happy” he told her.
And she shook her head… “But I could never. I am a Princess! Am I not the daughter of the King? And he, who is too my father, now punishes me?”
But she knew. She knew that she deserved it, for she has ill-ed others for the greed of power.
Yet, was she really punished? Or set out to learn a lesson in a place where conditions and limitations are set that may she be humbled, and then rise up to her true self, flourished?
There is no choice, and yet, within her, she knew she had to choose – to remain the ‘Princess’ or to transcend the ‘Princess’ – only one choice will lead her back to where her father, the King has always intended her to be, to where her father is, to where her Home really is…
All of us have choices. We can choose to be ruled by the Mind/Ego or we can choose to be in the Now where everything around is just an illusion.
Sometimes it is through intense suffering do one wake up.
Everything, at any time, is a illusion. But, being in the Now, allows you the opportunity to wake up to the illusion; however, it doesn’t mean that you are out of the illusion.