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The Husband Leaves

The husband leaves the door,
together with her dreams;
all of which she thought was hers,
leaves together with him.

A subtle clinging,
she notices –
the fear of losing
the beloved;
as he potentially
walks with another;
it might not be her
at the finale.

Yet when she saw the light,
that surrounds him,
she remembers who he truly is,
no more whom
who she’d perceive him to be.
Indeed her brother,
set to bring her home.
This, she is grateful
for the gift he bestowed her;
for it is through this,
she now know where she is.

Each of his own,
this she understood.
And it is only truth,
that would permit this peace.
Though thoughts would visit,
due to remnant ideas;
this she smiles,
for she is no longer asleep.

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