You have stayed with me
stood by me
until I’ve found myself
realised my true nature.
I’ve learned
how I actually, truly
love you so deeply
beyond form
beyond what you appear to be.
My freedom
attributed to my conscious and consistent inner work
and you doing your part
in showing me
where else I need to clean.
I am at peace
and I’d have to say
is part and parcel of having you with me
in my journey.
was your call for freedom
your request that it is now your turn.
Although I am impartial to your request
at times reasoning how unnecessary and cumbersome
the whole process is
I could not not answer to your call
when your call came from Love
that space of which you and I are born from.
So today
I present you your well-deserved gift
at least of what I can give you
within my integrity
illusionarily releasing you from the illusionary bondage
you think you are in
which everyone else thinks we are in.
I love you so much
I love you that much
and my gratitude and appreciation of the journey
that we have took on together
seems to magnify that now
even more.
My tears, if any
will only be of joy
celebrating your own initiation
to discover for yourself
what is within you that has never left.
This is my gift, Beloved.
My gift to you, my Brother.
For the grace you have bestowed me
I give thee back in full.