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My Dreamy La-La World

When it can be told that there are fleeting experiences
you can be sure that there is still a past that is being held on to
a memory so to speak
which has nothing to do with Now
but brought forward now
for a story to be retold
for a dreamy story to arise and exist
~ my world is born ~

When it can be told that there is anxiousness as experience
you can be sure that there is still a future that is being anticipated
a projection so to speak
which too, has nothing to do with Now
but brought backwards now
for a story to be foretell
for a dreamy story to arise and exist
~ my world is born ~

Both, equally illusionary
swinging from one la-la land to another la-la land
all confined within the same la-la land
hence making the Now
just a la-la land.

Instead, when there is noticing
of the reflection of past
of the projection of future
the entire imagination
the entire process
of what arises and still lingering
realizing effect
nullifying cause

what dreamy story can exist
except a whole new world
of bright, clear reality

until, of course…

the next memory comes
the next projection comes

and then the dreamy la-la world starts again…

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