Nothing is unique ‘lest done with Spirit,
else it’s just another emptiness to be fallen prey to;
and emptiness, is not unique at all.
Tags: acim, career, emptiness, relationships, Spirit, uniqueness
Documenting Eruditions
May 1st, 2021 by GG
Nothing is unique ‘lest done with Spirit,
else it’s just another emptiness to be fallen prey to;
and emptiness, is not unique at all.
Tags: acim, career, emptiness, relationships, Spirit, uniqueness
Apr 30th, 2021 by GG
Many people let go because they don’t want to suffer.
Yet in Atonement, it is about letting go because it is unreal.
Tags: A Course in Miracles, acim, atonement, forgiveness, letting go, realisation, suffering
Apr 24th, 2021 by GG
Do you need to know first, in order to trust?
Or could you trust first, in order to know?
When it comes to Spirit, do let go of the need to know before trusting. Have faith, first.
The knowing that you think you need to know in order to trust is limiting, where else the knowing that Spirit will give you is limitless.
Apr 23rd, 2021 by GG
To let go of your pre-conceived ideas, what you suspect it to be, and your expectation of a certain specific outcome.
Let Spirit surprise you.
Tags: creation, letting go, outcome, pre-conceived ideas, solutions, Spirit, surrender, trusting
Apr 22nd, 2021 by GG
Many read. Many visited.
Some liked, and never looked back.
Some knew, but never bothered.
What are you, after understanding this?
Who are you, never knowing this.
At the end,
who matters, what matters;
does it actually matter, at all?
Tags: importantmatter, reflections, Self
Apr 12th, 2021 by GG
Let’s use our hearts to see and hear each other,
we meet better there.
Tags: communication, communion, couple relationships, Love, presence, relationships, union
Do it for yourself.
Does it entail what comes naturally true to you? Or an idea of what it should be?
How do you know,
if what comes naturally true to you,
is truly nature calling,
and not an idea?
Tags: Cosmic Nature, discernment, mindfulness, Nature, reflection, Self, self awareness, self inquiry
Apr 3rd, 2021 by GG
Incomplete information doesn’t make it wrong.
Incomplete information becomes wrong when there is a conclusion to it.
Yet, to conclude it is merely an error; not wrong; just a mistake in judgement.
For the sake of language understanding and my own entertainment, I have taken the liberty to research the difference between the words Wrong, Error & Mistake. Google led me to the answers derived from language learning of which this credit is due to.
Wrong (adjective) – incorrect, or untrue.
Error (noun) – are made due to lack of knowledge. More technical than mistake (see below).
Mistake (noun) – are accidental. More informal and casual than error.
Tags: clarity, discretion, error, mistake, open mindedness, wisdom, wrong
Apr 2nd, 2021 by GG
Marriage only defines the legal status of a relationship in a society, but not the nature or conditions of the relationship.
The nature and conditions of the relationship is defined by the couple, whether they are aware of it, or not.
In other words, both of you are the God of the Relationship.
Yet, in Truth, the relationship doesn’t really exist. It’s just two people agreeing to remain trapped, or to be free. In the Dream.
Tags: couple relationships, Love, marriage, partners, relationships, terms and conditions of a relationship